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North Bay Women Dentists

North Bay Women Dentists is a new group which unites local professionals to establish friendships through a sisterhood alliance


As we know, women's fellowships are an invaluable tool when it comes to career and life success. Through the support and empowerment of fellowship, women are able to find the voice, strength and courage to achieve their goals and overcome any obstacles they may face.


By providing a safe and encouraging space for women to connect, learn from other professionals and share their experiences, this type of connection helps to create a positive and uplifting environment that can propel women forward in their careers and daily lives.


Together we will ignite our resolve, replenish our fortitude and restore our passion.

Discover the empowerment of women within this incredible community.


We invite you to join us!

I would like to keep in touch with the group

Join us for our first Retreat
Saturday, September 16
9 - 3:30pm
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